Loading ...

If eXide fails to load within a few seconds, try to clear your browser cache and reload the page (hold Shift and click on the reload icon).

Current app: Unknown

      Drop files here or click on the button below to upload them to the selected collection. Maximum file size is 100MB.

      Drop files here ...

      For live reloading, the application page needs to be opened once from within eXide by clicking on the link below:

      Click on the following link to display the application start page:

      activate live reload

      Project: Unknown

      Synchronize the current application to a directory on the server. Compares last modification times to determine the files to be synchronized. If a start time is given, only resources updated since that time stamp are taken into account.

      1. Start date/time in xs:dateTime notation. Only resources modified after this date will be synchronized. This field is filled automatically from the application descriptor (if available).
      2. Path to a directory on the server.
      3. If checked, the application will be synchronized with the directory automatically whenever you save a resource.

      Control common serialization parameters when opening or downloading resources and EXPath packages: (a) whether indentation is applied to XML documents, (b) whether XInclude elements are expanded, and (c) whether the XML declaration should be omitted.

      Opening files (via File > Open)

      Downloading files (via File > Download)

      Downloading and synchronizing EXPath packages (via Application > Download App and Synchronize)

      eXide version 3.5.3

      Website: https://github.com/eXist-db/eXide

      Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Wolfgang Meier, eXist Solutions GmbH

      Licensed under the GPLv3 license

      Uses the Ajax.org Code Editor (ACE), originally developed by Ajax.org and licensed under the tri-license MPL/LGPL/GPL.

      Create a new document by selecting a mode below. If templates are defined for this mode, a second select will appear to choose a template from. If you do not want to use a template, leave it to "None".

      Getting Help

      eXide has many features. Make sure you read the documentation to understand code completion, refactorings, and keyboard shortcuts.

      Checkout git working directory to another branch

      1. Select a new branch

      Sync with the git working directory and run a git commit once done

      1. Start date/time in xs:dateTime notation. Only resources modified after this date will be synchronized. This field is filled automatically from the application descriptor (if available).
      2. title (first line) for the commit message
      3. commit description