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Specific fields for openings

Enter here the title.

Place for your description of this entity.

Please, enter the beginning of the module.

If different from the beginning, please enter the end date of the module.

please, enter the city

Please, enter the focus, for example, Ethiopian Studies, Greek Epigraphy.

Select the fitting competences.

Choose the level for this competence.
Description of the competence and level association

Choose the level for this competence.
Description of the competence and level association
Specific fields for modules

Please, enter a URL to a licence.

Enter here the title.

Place for your description of this entity.

Please, enter the beginning of the module.

If different from the beginning, please enter the end date of the module.

Please, enter a well-formed URL.

Please, enter a well-formed URL.

Please, enter a URL to a licence.

please, enter the city

Please, enter the focus, for example, Ethiopian Studies, Greek Epigraphy.

Select the fitting competences. These are the outgoing competences, those which the student will gain by using this module.

Choose the level for this competence.
Description of the competence and level association

Choose the level for this competence.
Description of the competence and level association

please, enter the language in which the module is offered as a ISO 639-1 two letters code (fr, en, de)

Enter the name of the author of the module.

Please, enter the name of the hosting institution or project.

Please check the box if the module has exercises.

Please check the box if the module has a list of references to secondary literature.

Please describe the type and form of qualification obtained if any.

enter the format of the module

enter the medium, for example, front lecture, video, conferencing tool, etc.
Specific fields for persons

Agree to share your data publicly

Enter here the name

Enter here the corresponding ORCID. Only the numeric part, e.g. '0000-0001-5714-4011'.

Select the fitting competences.

Choose the level for this competence.
Description of the competence and level association

Choose the level for this competence.
Description of the competence and level association
Specific fields for competences

Enter here the name of the new competence

Enter here the description of the new competence

Select one of the competence areas.
Specific fields for focuses

Enter here the name of the new focus

Enter here the description of the new focus

Select one of the focus groups.