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ENCODE DGLE Workshop 2021
The Workshop has been organized as part of the first Multiplier Event of the ENCODE Project and deals mainly with the EpiDoc xml language, Digital Epigraphy and Papyrology, the use of XML editors (Oxygen) and publishing tools (EFES)
Building a MySQL Relational Database for Your Data
Intensive hands-on training in building a MySQL relational database for humanistic data, with a focus on philological, linguistic, literary and historical data, as well as introducing data visualization, interface design (including UX) and sustainability issues
Digitization, mark-up and linguistic annotation of the Mycenaean documents
The presentation contains a short introduction to to digitization, mark-up and linguistic annotation of the Mycenaean documents. It was held during the ENCODE Digital Epigraphy Workshop (University of Parma, 24th-27th May 2022)

From the triple store.

Results of: DESCRIBE <>.
Results of: SELECT * WHERE{ BIND (<> as ?this) { ?this ?predicate ?object . OPTIONAL {?object ?predicateOfObject ?objectOfObject} } UNION { ?subject ?predicate ?this} }.