SEG online
This module shows how to search for an epigraphic document on SEG online by using the “Browse” and “Indices” functions or by typing a keyword into the search box provided by the database
Art Themes and Decorations
Encoding of decorations in manuscripts, and creation of authority lists for decorations.
Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines on Manuscripts and general structure of manuscript records
Introduction to the structure of <teiHeader>, including physical description and binding.
Unveiling submerged culture in papyri
Encode Winter School (Würzburg)
Digital and Practical Epigraphy Workshop
This workshop offers a general introduction to epigraphy and methods to read inscriptions, dealing also with digital editing and publication of them in EpiDoc and EFES and discussing the most recent innovations in terms of photogrammetry and imaging
Oxygen XML Editor demo
This module offers an introduction to the Oxygen XML Editor for marking up EpiDoc XML files. Moreover, it illustrates its basic features, including content completion, validation, and a few keyboard useful shortcuts
First Steps in TextGrid
The tutorials show typical workflows in the TextGridLab step by step. They will
facilitate the first steps in the virtual research environment and explain particular
features of the software and handling of specific tools comprehensibly.
UniBo Digital Lab
The Laboratorio Digitale per le Fonti Classiche has been organized within the Master in History and Oriental Studies of the University of Bologna and deals with the digital encoding (mainly in EpiDoc) and publication of digital corpora of inscriptions, papyri and other ancient sources (in EFES)
Academic Year 2021/22, 03.02.2022-04.03.2022
Persons encoding and description
The structure of a Person record, annotation of persons in text.
Downloading Web Pages with Python
This lesson introduces Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) and explains how to use Python to download and save the contents of a web page to a local hard drive.
TEI for Ethiopian Studies
The objective of this workshop is to train the staff of the Hiob Ludolf Centre
of Ethiopian Studies and external collaborators on invitation in the use of TEI XML
in their everyday work, including manuscript cataloguing and text encoding.
Understanding Web Pages and HTML
Introduction to HTML and the web pages it structures.
Displaying EpiDoc files using EFES
This module contains a presentation of the EFES (EpiDoc Front-End Services) publication platform, shows how to install the tool on your computer and demonstrates its basic use to display transformed EpiDoc files in your browser
Authority lists, Vocabularies and Shared External Resources
Usage of authority lists, creating apparatus criticus in EpiDoc, usage of Zotero bibliography tool.
Approaching papyri from different angles: content, materiality and history
Encode Winter School (Würzburg)
This module illustrates the database Axon - Greek Historical Inscriptions, which offers a digital selection of Greek inscriptions with particular historical relevance
Poinikastas and AIO
This module explains the search functions offered by the Poinikastas Database, which contains archaic Greek inscriptions, and the AIO Database (Attic Inscriptions Online), which offers the English translation of Attic inscriptions
Digital Gazetteers
This presentation offers a general introduction to historical gazetteers and deals with important issues such as the modelling of places, contributions and data sharing, with particular attention to the Pleiades Project, the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire and Recogito
ENCODE Workshop Multilingual and Multicultural Digital Infrastructures for Ancient Written Artefacts
The Workshop has been organized as part of a Multiplier Event of the ENCODE Project and focuses on different Multilingual & Multicultural Digital Infrastructures for
Ancient Written Artefacts such as Trismegistos and Papyri.info.
Introduction to the Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines
Describes the different sources of guidelines and the reference materials to keep bookmarked.
Introduction to Papyri.info
The presentation contains a short introduction to Papyri.info and to the encoding of papyri through Leiden+. It was held during the ENCODE Digital Epigraphy Workshop (University of Parma, 24th-27th May 2022)
Introduction to TEI
The module delivers information on TEI, TEI guidelines, and community, and on the possibility of more precision obtained with TEI.
Job 01
Encoding of descriprions of Ethiopic Manuscripts in TEI XML
Incoming Competence
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Outgoing Competence
Digital Competence
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Competence Descriptor